The number of LBT coins you will get for exchanging 1 ETH/BTC maybe different depending on the current value of LBT. You can get the exchange rate of LBT by several ways:
- on some cryptocurrency listing websites such as:
- on our ICO page
In this article, I will go through the 2nd one.
Firstly, let's navigate & login to our ICO page: (check register for an account)
Secondly, select [Wallet] from the left-side menu.
Now, look at the 3rd session called LBT Wallet where you can get information about the exchange rate between LBT and two other coins ( ETH/ BTC).
According to the above infomation, you can easily know that
- 1 LBT = $0.5
- 1 LBT = 0.00064433 ETH
- 1 LBT = 0.00003060 BTC
So, you have:
- ~ 1551.99975168 LBT for 1 ETH
- ~ 32679.7385621 LBT for 1 BTC
Thanks for reading.